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Business Case Study: Text

Smart App Development

The Client

“We want to give our customers a new way to request non-emergency medical transport to reduce our Call Center call volume…”

A medical transport company wanted to give their customers a new way to request rides. For decades they focused solely on streamlining their call center processes, but customers who were used to being able to pull up ride sharing apps to request rides in minutes wanted an easier way. The company decided to develop their own app.

They should have asked us first

“What you think your customers want (and what your costumers think they want) is usually not what they actually need…”

After the first version of the app was developed the company wanted to test it, but our initial Expert Review using Heuristic analysis determined that User Testing, which is what the company initially requested, would be premature and a waste of resources. What the app actually needed was different features. 

Our approach

“This is so much bigger than an app…”

By evaluating call center data, we were able to determine which features were missing from the app that would provide the largest ROI. 

Business Case Study: Text


Ride Cancellation

Average Call Cost: $3.30/call​

Call Stats: 7% of Calls are Cancellation​

Cancel Calls Cost: $507,829/year ​

Total UX Investment Costs: $125,000 - $200,000

After UX Implementation:​

Call Volume: 20% reduction Cancel calls​

Estimated Cost Savings:​

  • Total First Year Savings: $11,273,715/yr – 56% to 90% ROI​

  • 10 years Saving: $112,737,150563% to 902% ROI​

*Cost savings continues year after year, UX improvement is exponential and will continue to increase over time, thus increasing the savings in all areas​

Business Case Study: Text

Estimated Cost Savings

  • Call Center Savings: $101,565/year ​

  • Dev Savings: $1,015,650/year​

  • Maintenance Savings: $10,156,500/year

  •  1st Year Savings: $11,273,715/yr - 56% to 90% ROI​

  • 5 Year Saving: $56,368,575 - 282% to 450% ROI

  • 10 Year Saving: $112,737,150 - 563% to 902% ROI​

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“Solve problems before they arise…”

By adding the additional suggested features, as well as incorporating suggested design changes, the company was able to increase probable app adoption rate and user satisfaction as well as decreasing call center volume which resulted in significant ROI in the forms of Future development cost savings, Call Center call volume reduction, and Increased User adoption and satisfaction.

Business Case Study: Text
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