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Immersive Storytelling

During my time in college working as a News Photographer for our award winning campus newspaper, The Reveille, I fell in love with the idea of visual storytelling. This love continued during my time in film school studying documentary filmmaking. After being introduced to virtual reality I saw an opportunity for a whole new way immersive way of storytelling.

VR 4.jpg
Personal Interests: Welcome

Virtual Photography

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center wanted a way to make their new patients feeling more comfortable before their cancer treatments. By photographing inside of cancer treatment machines in 360° and then creating a virtual tour of the entire hospital, we were able to better prepare patients on what to expect. The virtual tour can be viewed on any screen or in a VR headset for an immersive experience.

Click on the image below to view the image in 360° and the entire virtual tour. 

Personal Interests: Text
Personal Interests: Image

Cinematic Virtual Reality

Cinematic Virtual Reality  (CVR) video, or 360° video, can be viewed on any type of screen, but is especially impactful when viewed in a VR headset.

Below is a video I filmed outside of the 45th Presidential Inauguration. Click and drag anywhere within the video screen to change your viewing perspective, or watch in a VR headset for a fully immersive experience. 

Personal Interests: Text
Personal Interests: Video
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