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Research Study Design: Text

Using Immersive Reality testing to validate the assumption that CVR is a highly effective way to present novel concepts and promote public buy-in of important issues

A political economist was interested in new ways to present information to assess public opinion, and to influence public policy and political decision-making.

We first identified a germane topic which we could test. We decided to gage people’s opinions of building wind turbines in populated landscapes before and after an immersive experience. We worked with a professor of wind energy who was familiar with the topic to design and implement the study which primarily utilized user surveys to determine baseline and subsequent opinions.

Participants wore a VR headset to view an immersive video of a local wind turbine and their answers to questions presented before and after were compared.

Research Study Design: Text
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Research Study Design: Image

The results of the study concluded that CVR (Cinematic Virtual Reality) is a highly effective way to introduce novel concepts and to promote or reinforce positive opinions in both people who have and have not had a similar in-person experience, and that multi-directional sound was also important in influencing opinions related to sound.

Using these results I have been able to work with political lobbying firms to more effectively promote positive public opinion and political buy-in for social and environmental causes.

Research Study Design: Text
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